Antiracism is a way of thinking, acting, and being in the world that calls for constant reflection, critique, and action. Antiracism especially consciously considers the interactions we have with others and ultimately leads to action that affects the dignity of our relationships, and structural changes that address systems of power and inequality, and produce and sustain racial equality among racial groups.

The goals of our Antiracism framework are:

  • Examine past and present institutional racism and discrimination
  • Learn structural and historical roots of racial inequality
  • Find and confront institutional racism
  • Analyze unequal social power and privilege
  • Understand the effects of racial inequity on an individual and communities
  • Address the realities that are justified by racist ideologies that can be changed by a call for action

“We are committed to being a campus community that is dedicated to antiracism as a reflection of our history and values and mission as a liberal arts college.”

必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### President Adam Weinberg
