Our Core Values

必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### University is a community where individuals respect one another and their environment.

Each of us possesses a full range of rights and responsibilities and foremost among these is a commitment to treat each other and our environment with unconditional respect. With mutual consideration and trust, our community will thrive as a place of liberal learning and humane life.

  • As a university, we value learning and scholarly work.
  • As a community, we share common purposes, governance, bonds, and traditions.
  • We treat each other with respect. Civility is a cornerstone of our community.
  • We value our campus and respect our environment.
  • We respect individuality. We celebrate diversity as a strength from which we grow and learn from one another.
  • All interactions, academic and social, are characterized by integrity.
  • We take responsibility for acting in accordance with our community's standards and rules and for reporting violations of those standards and rules.