To schedule a counseling appointment, please call the number on our hours and appointments page. We can schedule an intake appointment if you want to set up continued counseling. If you need same-day counseling for urgent concerns, walk-in appointments are available. If the walk-in appointments do not work for you or it is an immediate concern, the number for 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########’s 24/7 Crisis line is 740-587-6647, and we offer more urgent care resources.

It can often be hard to find an objective, active listener to talk with about your problems. Talking to friends and family members can be very helpful, but they typically lack the skills of a trained professional. Our therapists are trained to help you explore your thoughts and feelings while providing support and nonjudgmental listening.

There are many reasons a student may seek out counseling. They may be seeking support over academic stress or relationship troubles. They might be struggling with living away from home for the first time or the death of a loved one. They might be feeling anxious or upset frequently and having trouble working through their feelings on their own. These are just a few examples of the kinds of struggles with which counseling can help. If you are struggling and need support, please call to set up an appointment today.

Triage appointments are an important part of the counseling process that help you determine your goals and help us determine what resources will be the best fit to help you reach them. When you arrive for the appointment, you will use one of the iPads at the counter to sign in for the appointment, just as you may do in the future for other counseling visits. You will need to know your 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### ID number and your birthday. You will then fill out a survey about your symptoms before meeting with one of the members of our counseling service team.
While meeting with a therapist, you will discuss areas of the survey that indicated heightened distress, as well as areas that felt particularly important to you. From there, they will work with you to identify your goals and create the start of a plan to help you achieve them. This may include scheduling a future appointment, or it could mean connecting you with resources on campus (like the Academic Resource Center) or off campus (like a community provider).

Intake appointments are your first therapy session in which you talk with a therapist about your current concerns and your goals for counseling. When you arrive for the appointment, you will use one of the iPads at the counter to sign in for the appointment, just as you may do in the future for other counseling visits. You will need to know your 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### ID number and your birthday. You will then fill out a survey about your symptoms as well as an intake questionnaire before meeting with one of the members of our counseling service team.
During the appointment, your therapist will talk with you about your presenting concerns, as well as ask questions about your mental health history, identities, social supports, coping patterns, and other relevant aspects of your life. This helps your therapist to understand not just your concerns and symptoms, but also your strengths and protective factors that can be helpful in your treatment plan.

Call the counseling services number on our hours and appointment page during our hours of operation to reschedule your appointment.

If you have previously had counseling with Hoaglin, you should call to schedule an appointment like usual and let us know that you would like to see your previous therapist. We can provide you with times that your preferred therapist is available to schedule.