Each student has an account where tuition & fees, housing & meals, insurance, loans, grants, scholarships, payments and miscellaneous charges are applied.

How to View Your Account Detail (Bill/Statement)

Students and proxies can view/print their account details or pay their bill by logging into their Self-Service account.

Students: Student Self-Service Account

  • In My必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########, select “Student” tab
  • Under my statement section, select “View Account or Pay Your Bill”

Parents/Other Guest: Proxy Login

  • Select Statement and Payment History
  • Then select Proxies
  • Select “View Account or Pay Your Bill”

To view or print your account activity

  1. Select Transaction Details
  2. Your account history will be displayed. You may use the “Choose” option to limit the display to one or more specific terms at any given time.
  3. Select Print (upper right corner)

Important Note: Federal aid including Federal Direct Loans (subsidized or unsubsidized), Pell, SEOG and Parent PLUS Loans cannot be disbursed to your student account until 10 days prior to the start of classes. Additionally, you must ensure that you have accepted any loans and completed Master Promisory Note (MPN) and any loan entrance counseling).

If your federal aid is ready to disburse, it will appear as Estimated Aid until it is released to your account 10 days prior to the start of classes. Any Estimated Aid will reduce your Account Balance. Once the aid is disbursed to your account, you will be able to view it in your Transaction Details.

To view your financial aid awards in My必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########:

  1. Select MyApps
  2. Select My Financial Aid link (automatically defaults to current award year)
  3. Click on Menu
  4. Select My Awards

* See Tuition & Costs for a list of applicable charges.

Account Notices, Billing Cycle & Due Dates

Students and proxies will receive an email from Student Accounts on the first working day of each month. The email will contain relevant information for viewing statements and paying bills. Please refer to each month’s email for the payment due date, typically three weeks later.

Beginning of Semester Billing

There are two primary billing periods at the start of the semesters that include tuition, housing & meals, student health insurance plan, and miscellaneous charges:

  • Fall 2023: Statements will be available July 6, payment due July 27
  • Spring 2024: Statements will be available December 4, payment due January 3

Please note: only students and their active proxies will receive the email and have access to the payment portal.

Granting Others Account Viewing & Payment Permission (Proxy Access)

If someone other than the student needs access to view their account, make electronic payments and/or set up payment plans, the student must first set them up as a Proxy and authorize them to see their Statement and Payment History.

  1. Students, see how to grant access to a parent/other guest
  2. Students, log into Self-Service and grant access to parents or others
  3. Parents, follow the instructions in the e-mail you receive when your student registers you for the 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### Parent Proxy system. Also, see how to access information.
  4. Parents, login to Parent Proxy (requires parent/other Proxy login)

Understanding Your Account

Ready To Pay? We make it easy! See how.

Questions? Check out our Student Account FAQ.