An Integral Part of All Fields of Study

Writing plays a central role in a liberal arts education. It is not a separate field of study but an integral part of all fields of study.  Effective writers exhibit the following characteristics:

  • They take intellectual risks, creatively explore different ideas, and see the connection between critical reading, thinking, and writing.
  • They regard writing as both a product and a process; they develop and refine their own habits of researching and writing, practice and incorporate techniques of drafting and revising, view writing with a critical eye, and respond adeptly to feedback from other readers.
  • They understand that writers join a larger community; they see a piece of writing as participation in a broader, ongoing conversation, and are aware of the needs of diverse audiences.

The 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### Writing Program encourages students to cultivate these habits of mind. The program develops writers who view writing as critical thinking and understand that writing is a means to explore and learn a subject. Writing is a lifelong endeavor that 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########ians carry with them and continue to nurture in their post-graduate careers.