Swasey Observatory

In 1909, 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### University Trustee Ambrose Swasey contributed the funding to build an observatory, which he also furnished with its original astronomical equipment. At that time, his firm, the Warner & Swasey Company of Cleveland, had manufactured many of the world’s finest and largest telescopes. Built of white Vermont marble, the interior was renovated and the outer dome replaced in 1970. Today’s observatory houses a 9-inch refracting and two 8-inch reflecting telescopes, which are fitted for astrophotography. It also houses the astronomy library and dark rooms.

Swasey Observatory is used as a student educational and research facility, and also for public outreach. Open houses are hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and astronomy students on a regular basis during the academic year. Announcement of these open house events are posted on the department home page as well as in the local papers.


The Marilyn P. McConnell Planetarium is a 45-seat facility hosting an all-digital, state-of-the-art dual projection system with advanced imaging software, displayed on an 8-meter (26-foot) diameter dome. The recently renovated planetarium provides an immersive experience, transporting audiences across the cosmos. The new upgrades to the facility also expand the academic uses beyond astronomy by offering captivating experiences and data in a variety of other subjects. The planetarium is frequently used as teaching resource in our astronomy classes. Additionally, faculty regularly present live planetarium shows to students, alumni, and the community.