issue 02 | winter 2021
A semester like no other, how 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### successfully opened its doors amid a global pandemic.
How Sarah Davis ’94 works to protect the park from the people and the people from the park as Chief Ranger at Yellowstone.

By Elliott Woods; Photos by Vance Jacobs

A look at a few 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########ians who are tackling the pandemic in their own ways—both big and small.
Football, flu, and a World War: The Trials and Tribulations of Fall Semester, 1918.

By James Hale ’78

A Letter from the President

A look back at a challenging semester and the strength of the 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### community.
President Adam Weinberg

The Office

Teaching and advising students in a global pandemic requires creativity, new modes of operation, and a re-think of what an office might be.
Karen Spierling, Professor of History & Director of Global Commerce

A Season of Resilience

When the NCAC cancelled conference play due to COVID, 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########’s coaches and athletes reimagined what a season could look like.

On Deck

How softball player Maggie Ballentine ’23 stays game-ready in an era of uncertainty.
Maggie Ballentine ’21


Beep, Beep, Numerology, Top Hat, Building Blocks
SteamRoller Bagel car

Water World

Nick Flocken ’09 looks back on his time with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.
Nick Flocken ’09

Class Notes

The Queen of Biz

T-Mobile Executive Monisha Mukhija ’11 offers tips and tricks for women early on the career path.
Monisha Mukhija ’11

Hackers Beware

Heather Bellini ’91, CFO at a cybersecurity company, is putting her money on AI to beat hackers.
Heather Bellini ’91

In Memoriam

David Hume Bayley ’55, Life Trustee

As the world’s pre-eminent scholar of comparative policing and consultant to democratic police worldwide, David’s career took him around the globe.
Life Trustee David Hume Bayley ’55

The Last Word

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Maureen Harmon


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