Going Green On The Hill

The 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### Green Hill Fund is a green revolving fund (GRF) that was developed in 2011 in response to the Sustainable Endowments Institute’s Billion Dollar Green Challenge initiative. The college allocated an initial $1 million from its operating budget for projects that increase energy efficiency and water conservation on campus. The money saved by the efficiencies is then put back into the revolving fund to make further sustainable improvements. Since this initial allocation, the college has grown the fund to $2.5 million and has invested in more than 70 projects.

Some recent projects include:

  • Lighting upgrades in all campus buildings
  • Timed switches in the Library stacks
  • Change LED fixtures in The Nest and Bookstore to to rooftop solar arrays on some of our senior apartment buildings.
  • Improved HVAC controls and occupancy sensors for most of our academic buildings.

Review and Selection of Projects

The fund is administered by the Vice President of Finance & Management. Each year, $500,000 is available to fund energy projects on campus. Of that amount, $450,000 is allocated for projects identified by the Director of Facilities and his administrative staff, along with the Director of Sustainability & Campus Improvement. In addition, $50,000/year is allocated for projects identified by any member of the campus community.

Once projects are identified they are evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Consistent with the goals of the Sustainability Plan.
  • Low implementation cost
  • High opportunity for cost savings
  • Estimated payback period
  • Ease (time, complexity, disruption, etc.) of implementation
  • Significant greenhouse gas emissions reduction
  • Significant environmental benefits
  • Significant educational/research potential
  • Significant social benefit
  • Partnership and collaboration opportunities within 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### and with the surrounding community
  • High campus stakeholder buy-in and participation
  • Ability for long-term success

To submit a proposal or idea or a Green Hill Fund project, please use the Green Hill Sustainable Community Grant Nomination form

Green Hill Nomination Form ?

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