The Congress to Campus brings two former members of Congress to campus. Steve Driehaus (D) and Pat Tiberi (R) will join students in classrooms and during social events.





Monday, February 10


Class visit: Introduction to Political Theory


Interview with The 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########ian campus newspaper


Lunch with Lugar Students and other Political Science students


Class visit: Foreign Policy Formulation


Class Visit: The Politics of Congress


Dinner with Associate Provost, Faculty, Lugar Program Students and members of Pi Sigma Alpha, including remarks of former members and questions from the floor

Tuesday, February 11


Class visit: The Rise of China

Congress to Campus brings former members of Congress together with students to increase civic literacy and participation. A bipartisan pair of former members travel to college, university and community college campuses for two day visits. During the visit, former members conduct classes, hold community forums, meet informally with students and faculty, visit high schools and civic organizations, and do interviews and talk show appearances with local press and media. This setting allows students to discover, on a more personal basis, what participation in a democracy entails.

The aim of Congress to Campus is to engage students and provide inspiration that will lead to greater democratic participation; whether it is in the arena of public service or something as simple as voting.

February 10, 2020