

必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### is the place for students seeking a high-level musical education along with the breadth of a liberal arts experience. Students from all academic disciplines participate in a broad spectrum of music courses and ensembles, while majors and minors receive in-depth training in their area of emphasis — performance, American Roots music, composition, music history, or general music.

Daniel Blim Daniel Blim , Associate Professor , Coordinator of Musicology, Chair of Music
Kristine Mathews Kristine Mathews , Program Coordinator, Music, Theatre, Dance
Cristina Dorda Soriano Cristina Dorda Soriano , Academic Administrative Assistant, Music, Theatre, Dance

Upcoming Events

More than 25 ensembles — including everything from a gospel choir to a jazz combo — are open to any student who enjoys music.


What's Happening

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必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 ######### Seminars
Study Abroad
Study Abroad
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Living at 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########
Career Exploration
Career Exploration
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