Melissa Huerta
Associate Professor
Associate Chair, Department of Modern Languages
Coordinator of Spanish
Melissa Huerta joined 必博娱乐,比博娱乐网址 #########’s Department of Modern Languages in 2014. Huerta teaches courses on the Spanish language as well as Latin American and Latinx culture and literature. Her research explores Latina/x Cultural experiences and representation in theatre, performance, and television. She has published in Modern Drama and Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of MALCS. Huerta’s current research focuses on the representation of Latina/x reproductive decision-making in popular culture, such as theatre and television.
B.A., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; M.A., Marquette University; Ph.D. University of Illinois, Chicago
Learning & Teaching
- SPAN 112, Second Semester Spanish
- SPAN 211 Third Semester Spanish
- SPAN 213, Oral Communication Skills
- SPAN 220, Introduction to Literary Analysis
- SPAN 325, Survey of Latin American Literature
- SPAN 335, Survey of Latin American Culture
- SPAN 425, Seminar in Latin American Literature
- SPAN 435, Seminar in Latin American Culture
- LACS 201: Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Domestic Latino/a studies with an emphasis on the intersections of race, class, language, gender, and sexuality in Latina theatre and performance.
- “Latina/x Abortion Narratives in Popular Culture.” Forum: Roe vs Wade at 50, Rachel Weingarten, editor. Feminist Studies, 48:3 2023
- “Writing and Staging Our Latinx Bodies: Utopian Performatives in Teatro Luna.” Modern Drama, 64 (1), pp. 88–108, 2021.
- “Reading Audiences, Reading Materials: Reception in Tanya Saracho’s El Nogalar.” Aletria, Belo Horizonte, v. 29, n. 1, p. 53-72, 2019.
- “Time to Speak Out:” Towards Conocimiento in Tanya Saracho’s Kita y Fernanda. Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social. Vol. 17, Issue 2, Spring 2018.
Book Chapters
- “This is how I was born on the operating table of an abortion clinic:” Coatlicue State and Reproductive Decision-Making in Teatro Luna.” Representing Abortion, ed. Rachel A. Johnston Hurst. London: Routledge, 2020.
- “Between and Beyond the Mediated and the Material in Teatro Luna’s Generation Sex.” Latina Outsiders: Remaking Latina Identity, ed. Grisel Y. Acosta. London: Routledge, 2019. 99-105.
- Representing Latina/x Reproductive Decision-Making. Lanham: Lexington Book, 2022.
Reference Entry
- “Cherríe Moraga.” 50 Key Latin American and Latinx Theatre Artists, eds. Paola Hernandez and Analola Santana. London: Routledge, 2022