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Ephemeral beauty

Evelyn Kendrix '19 spent her summer creating ephemeral art from natural materials.

World Traveler, Psychological Scientist

Emily Dean '15 will combine her interest in psychology, desire to help others, and passion for Spanish language & culture in her graduate studies.

Managing Disaster

When disaster strikes, Autumn Lotze '07 is the person you want on speed-dial.

Revolutionary Women

Megan Threlkeld's new book looks at women's rights in the U.S. and Mexico.

Summers are anything but quiet

While the classrooms of Ebaugh Laboratories are quiet each summer, research labs are buzzing with faculty-student collaboration on original research.

Laser Focus

Using lasers, physics students and professors have discovered a possible new path to explore antimatter.

Immigrant Women in Athens

Professor Kennedy's teaching and research interests cover the history and culture of ancient Greece, especially issues of ethnicity and citizenship.

The Art of Biology

These beautifully detailed drawings of nine different birds look like a project for an art class, but this work of art was created for a biology class.

No simple answer to the Confusion Range

David Greene undertook what he thought would be a simple project to give his geoscience students an in-the-field tutorial on geologic mapping.

Faculty Published Books

Profs publish books on stereotypes in South African & American literature, the Orangeburg Massacre, and black activists aligning with farm workers.

Sweet Charity & Medieval Guilt

Adam Davis has received a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities to dig deeper into the 12th and 13th centuries in Champagne, France.

Erin Henshaw

Erin J. Henshaw and Megan Greenhouse '11 presented a poster at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association.